
book idea #1

while my mind was wandering during bible study tonight i thought it would be great to compile a collection of different christian's experience of god's "randomness"...... i like to call it his randomness.....

i just seem to hear everyone (pastor....aunt....friends....myself...bf) share these stories of random events that mean nothing to them but end up turning into or leading to some kind of life changing experience and can only be seen in hind-sight..... and most of them are really good....sometimes humorous... i think we can all relate

you think anyone would read that? would you read that? or is it too...... chicken-soup-for-the-soul like ??? (a lot of people read those though.....right?)

anyway, im only posting this now bc it came back to my mind at this very moment and i am recording it somewhere that i wont misplace or throw away :)


April said...

Ginger! I love the little changes you made to your tag line and page element titles. And yes, this is a great idea for a book!! I will buy it. And Lolo loves those chicken soup books, so she will buy it too I am sure. :)

ginger said...

thanks :)