
am i going to fast for you?

sorry if i am.... but i have accidentally gotten myself back on my "nocturnal" schedule... and for reasons not to be explained i am currently banned from facebook......

my only outlets left are myspace (not as cool as facebook), watching shows on abc.om or fox.com (already caught up on EVERYTHING that i like to watch and not interested in adding another show the list to follow up on) , or surfing through handful of religion related sites....... which brings me to my post....

This site....bugs the crap out of me....and there is no place to comment (aka argue and challenge) what they say......I found it from those "ads by Google" things, you know the creepy ones that always know the key words related to the sites you surf or emails that you get.... and the headers/titles always relate to stuff you are interested in.... technology is amazing sometimes.

And also stupid... i mean if i clicked it how many other ppl are reading this crap..... and 1)believe it or 2) associate it with all christianity ...... i actually liked it at first until i kept reading..... :(

anyway, go to link if u have time..... its pretty long winded and not easy on the eye to read.... and they even have some cool bios of ppl like william penn..... haha quakers........ bc they seem to have outlasted the test of time.....

thats all....i will be up for much longer im sure, so maybe i will post more interesting sites i find ?
who knows! :)

Oh, and just for the record..... Hall V Worthington.... you are nuts!!!

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