
adventures in yard-sale-ing

so being in the financial situation i am(i guess you have to have money to have a financial situation right??) i thought it would be great to join my family in selling my old junk that i no longer enjoy to other people from the comforts of our front yard.

all i have to say is that i would rather donate all of it and be done with it......No i would rather not sell my old lucky jeans for nothing... its heartbreaking. Plus I have so much junk its not worth the hours spent pricing all of it.

And then there's my mom, whose point of view is that she just wants to get rid of it...therefore all of her items were basically going for 25 cents..... (um hello the tax write off would be more rewarding)

I was extremely jealous of my sister-in-law because she actually had the good stuff that people wanted.... furniture, baby clothes, toys.... those at least are things to take pride in! I dont own any of those things.... i mean really i am the type of person that needs to be shopping at yard sales!

the upside to the weekend..... hanging with the ladies of my family and drinking starbucks....oh and i kept my moms old belt she was going to sell....what a fool....its so back in style now!

other highlights included...benjamin trying to sell all the kids his cool toys "from when i was a baby"..... the one old man who tried to bargain on EVERYTHING.....( i mean really you cant spare the 50 cents mr i pulled up in a cadilac) and the best of all my mom:

"Yard sales are awkward...its like people are afraid to let me know they dont want my junk....like they are going to hurt my feelings or something.... but i dont like it either...thats why im selling it"

if anyone is interested i will be at it again this weekend..... lots of my shoes are going for just $1.00!

I ended up not selling my old lucky jeans....and I am actually wearing them right now...!


Matt said...

how in the world do u have so many ppl showing up on your map?? i mean, i know ppl all around the world! who do you know in italy and places over there???

ginger said...

maybe if there was something of substance on your blog....ppl would read it.... i like you say "places over there" bc you have no idea what countries they are do you???

Matt said...

yea i have no idea about geography. where's wes when i need him. ppl like my videos. once i get the last ones out, i will start doing ones where i just talk about random stuff.. i was already thinking last night as i was lying in bed, (or on my couch) about the next one i am going to do..