
being a "therefore" christian

sooooooo where to begin tonight? i have (since my last post) come to realize that it can be a very beautiful thing to be broken.

i was very wrong in my statement.... it is not sad that all i have is jesus. It is an amazing thing (so amazing that i cant really even begin to comprehend) that all i really need is jesus. thats it..... just him... nothing and no one else. I cant continue to rely on other things and other people to validate my life......

i think this is a big steps towards him, that i have been very hesitant to take. But like i have said before, the more i ignore something the bigger it gets and tends to sneak up on me eventually.

i have had a new concept presented to me about being a "therefore" christian..... very good way to look at life. it was presented to me using psalm 46 (considering my presenter, there are most likely more places the concept can be used...)

1 God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.

2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,

3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.

basically..... being a "therefore" christian is putting into action our knowledge/trust/faith in god. yea, god is always there and he is all i need.... but it doesnt stop there.... because of those things (or therefore) my actions/life should reflect those things that i know and believe

my illustration looks more like this now:anywho.... the version i was presented was much longer :) i just wanted to give a heads up to all two of my readers that i am in a better place now.... and thank them for their good thoughts!


Matt said...

your "presenter" seems like a very cool person... : )

ginger said...

yea.... and long winded...vanity is a sin you know.

April said...

Ha! Your "presenter" was surprising not who I thought. But apparently he is a chip off the old block. I guess I shouldn't say old, I should say in fantastic bike riding shape. I am glad you are in a better place. At least you are not having run ins with crazy tree huggers at QT. :)

Matt said...

you really think it was long winded? like for real? i thought u liked it though? i guess i get that from my dad...hah!