
lots of parenthesis this time : )

this weekend i went home for easter (he is risen indeed) and i picked up my bf's old ipod nano that he gave to me (!!!!!!!!) i have been looking forward to this moment for awhile since i am very technologically deprived,

my whole life i have been actually.... my parents had the same tv for like 20 years before it finally just died and they had to get a new one..... DVD player...i got it for them maybe 2 years ago......we were always the last people to get the newest things...cell phone, home computer, color printer, etc. I moved out though and now they have satellite with a bajillion channels, a copy/printer/fax unit, digital picture frames, laptop, jump-drives and palm pilots (im very proud of them)

..... but last night i realized another great thing...i have a brand new insight into his life... weird i know because its just an ipod right? but having someones music collection almost feels kind of intimate (and stalker-esque). the songs he enjoys really say a lot about him... the diversity and the genres...albums and artists....... but the playlists are the best, just the names of them say a lot too

one thing learned.... we dont have quite the same taste in music.....(and he only ran a couple times and completely wasted his money on buying that Nike microchip stuff with the shoes) but there's definitely a middle ground that we could build on......

since i had the ipod, and he has a RIDICULOUSLY large (and abandoned) CD collection at home, i took the liberty of also taking a big stack of those to expand my music library.....and now my new favorite thing to do is listen to them and try to imagine which songs he would like from each CD..... its kind of cool (maybe even a little pathetic and corny?)

the best are a bunch of the ones he made himself because i know that he chose each song on them for a particular reason (he has been known to make CDs with only 4 songs just for a short drive somewhere)

anyway....if you ever have a chance to invade someones music collection(cds...playlists....Pandora account) i highly recommend you take it

i guess im just very thankful tonight that even though he is thousands of miles away i have been given another opportunity to get to know him that much more :) its kind of funny how just playing a song he likes makes me feel like part of him is here with me

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